Most Popular Wishes for Ramadan Quotes in Urdu English

As the crescent moon whispers its arrival, a hush falls over the world. The holy month of Ramadan descends, cloaking our days in blessings and our nights in prayers. It’s a time for spiritual introspection, for deepening our connection with Allah, and for reveling in the warmth of community. Today’s post is going to be amazing because we are going to see wishes for Ramadan quotes in Urdu English.

But amidst the flurry of dates, pre-dawn meals, and heartfelt Tarawih prayers, sometimes we all crave a moment of pause, a reflection that ignites the soul. That’s where this blog comes in, your one-stop shop for wishes for Ramadan quotes in Urdu and English!

Dive into a treasure trove of wisdom, inspiration, and beautiful verses. Urdu’s rich tapestry of words will paint vivid pictures of self-reflection, generosity, and the boundless mercy of Allah. English’s clarity and conciseness will offer powerful reminders and nuggets of encouragement to keep you steadfast on your spiritual journey.

Whether you’re a seasoned Ramadan observer or a curious newcomer, this blog is for you. Let these quotes be your guiding light, your source of strength, and your reminder of the immense blessings this month holds. So, settle in, dear reader, grab your favorite cup of tea (or Rooh Afza!), and prepare to embark on a journey of words that will touch your heart and illuminate your Ramadan experience

Wishes for Ramadan Quotes:

As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, our hearts are filled with anticipation for the spiritual journey that lies ahead. It’s a time to seek inspiration, reflect on our lives, and strengthen our connection with Allah. What better way to navigate this sacred period than by immersing ourselves in the wisdom of Ramadan quotes? Join us on a quest for uplifting words that will illuminate your path, instill hope in your heart, and guide you through the transformative journey of this blessed month. May your Ramadan be adorned with the beauty of inspiring quotes, fostering a spirit of gratitude, reflection, and profound connection with the divine.



Ramadan welcome quotes


The gates of Jannah (Paradise) are about to swing open as Ramadan comming.

 جنت کا دروازہ جلد ہی کھل جائے گا کیونکہ رمضان آ رہا ہے۔

Imagine Ramadan as a special time when, according to Islamic beliefs, the doors to Paradise (Jannah) swing wide open. It’s like a grand invitation from Allah to all believers. At the same time, the doors to Hell (Jahannam) are closed, meaning that during this month, people are given a chance to focus on doing good and staying away from bad actions.

The idea behind this is that Ramadan is a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and getting closer to Allah. It’s a time when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, pray more, and do acts of kindness. By doing these things, they believe they can earn more rewards and seek forgiveness for any mistakes they may have made.

The opening of the gates of Jannah is a symbolic way of saying that during Ramadan, Allah is especially welcoming and generous. It’s like a spiritual spring cleaning, where people try to be better versions of themselves. So, as Ramadan approaches, Muslims eagerly look forward to this special time, hoping to benefit from the open doors of Paradise by doing good deeds and strengthening their connection with Allah.

Ramadan welcome quotes

Ramadan, a beautiful gift from Allah for the forgiveness of His servants.

رمضان، اللہ کا خوبصورت تحفہ اپنے بندوں کی بخشش کےلئے۔

Ramadan, a cherished gift from Allah, symbolizes a divine opportunity for His servants’ forgiveness. This sacred month holds transformative power, marked by fasting, increased prayer, and acts of kindness. Muslims embrace this spiritual journey, seeking forgiveness for past mistakes and striving for self-improvement. As the crescent moon heralds Ramadan’s arrival, hearts open to Allah’s mercy and compassion, making it a time of reflection, repentance, and heightened devotion. The fast, observed from dawn to sunset, embodies discipline, empathy, and a profound connection with the Creator. In its essence, Ramadan stands as a merciful gift, offering a pathway to spiritual purification and redemption.


Ramadan Quotes in Urdu English

Angles are seeking refuge from the Almighty, the sun has been humbled by the fasting ones.

فرشتے کہ رہے ہیں یہ پروردگار سے

سورج شکست کھا گیا ہے روزہ دار سے

In the sacred embrace of Ramadan, angels seek refuge from the Almighty, witnessing the devotion of the fasting ones. The sun itself bows in humility before those abstaining from food and drink, acknowledging the profound spirituality that envelopes this blessed month. As believers engage in self-discipline and increased acts of worship, a unique energy radiates, influencing both the celestial and terrestrial realms. The angels, in their reverence, seek shelter from the divine magnificence, while the sun, symbolizing earthly magnificence, bows in acknowledgment of the spiritual luminosity emanating from the devout. Ramadan becomes a celestial tapestry where the heavens and believers intertwine in harmonious unity.

Ramadan Quotes in Urdu English:

Quran quotes

When He gives voice to the speechless, He gives the Quran to read. When the sins of the Ummah are forgiven, He gives Ramadan as a gift to the sinners.

بے زبانوں کو جب وہ زبان دیتا ہے، پڑھنے کو پھر وہ قرآن دیتا ہے، بخشش پے آتا ہے جب امت کے گناہوں کو ، تحفے میں گناہ گاروں کو رمضان دیتا ہے۔

When someone can’t talk, Allah gives them the Quran to read in their hearts. It’s like a special guide for life. And you know when we make mistakes? Well, when Allah forgives all those mistakes, He gives us a special month called Ramadan. It’s like a gift for everyone, especially for those who may have done wrong things. During Ramadan, we fast and pray to show we want to be better. It’s a time to clean our hearts and feel close to Allah. So, imagine Allah is giving us a book for our hearts and a special month to start fresh and be good. That’s pretty amazing!

Allah Quotes


Ramadan will be the month of heelings.  Insha’Allah

رمضان روحانی شفاؤں کا مہینہ ہوگا۔ انشاءاللہ۔

It’s like a special month where we try to heal not just our bodies but also our hearts and minds. We fast and pray to become stronger, kinder, and closer to Allah. So, when we say “Ramadan will be the month of healing, Insha’Allah,” we’re expressing our hopeful belief that this month will bring us a lot of good, and we trust in God’s blessings and guidance during this special time.

Beautiful Quotes for Ramada


Broken hearts will be mended, everyone’s fortunes will be improved, souls will find peace, weeping eyes will be dried, and scattered beings will be gathered together, for Ramadan has arrived.

اب جڑ جائیں گے ٹوٹے دل، اب سنور جائیں گی سب کی تقدیریں، اب روحیں بھی سکون پائیں گی، اب روتی آنکھیں سنبھل جایئں گی، اب بکھرتے وجود سنبھل جائیں گے کہ رمضان آگیا ہے۔

With the arrival of Ramadan, broken hearts find healing, and fortunes take an upward turn. This sacred month becomes a source of solace, bringing peace to weary souls and drying the tears of the grieving. As the crescent moon graces the sky, it signals a time of unity and gathering for scattered beings. Ramadan’s transformative aura radiates hope and renewal, touching lives with compassion. It’s a season of profound change, where individuals rediscover strength, mend relationships, and embrace the collective spirit of love and mercy. In these blessed days, the essence of Ramadan uplifts and unites, turning despair into optimism and scattering rays of serenity.

Gratitude and Reflection:

Ramadan is a time to express gratitude towards Allah for His countless blessings. It is a month of reflection, where Muslims take the opportunity to ponder upon their actions and seek self-improvement. Expressing gratitude not only brings us closer to Allah, but it also cultivates a sense of contentment and appreciation for the blessings in our lives.

guidence quotes

May this sacred month of Ramadan illuminate our souls, and may the love of Allah penetrate the deepest recesses of our hearts.

رمضان کا مہینہ ہماری رحوں کو منور کرے، اور اللہ کی عشق ہمارے دلوں کی گہرائیوں تک پہنچے۔ آمین۔

I hope this special month of Ramadan makes our hearts bright, and that Allah’s love goes really deep inside us. It’s like wishing for a time when our souls feel light and full of goodness. Ramadan is a time to be close to Allah, so when we say, “May this sacred month of Ramadan illuminate our souls,” we’re hoping for a lot of positive feelings and a stronger connection with God. And when we say, “May the love of Allah penetrate the deepest recesses of our hearts,” we mean we want to feel Allah’s love very deeply, reaching every part of our hearts.

Ramadan Quotes in Urdu English


When the body fasts, so too should the soul. When our body is pure, our soul too should be pure. Following the Sunnah of the Prophet and staying away from sins is the mark of a believer. This is the spirit of Ramadan.

جب جسم کا روزہ ہے تو پھر روح کا بھی روزہ ہو، جب جسم ہے پاک ہمارا تو روح بھی پاکیزہ ہو، سنت نبوی پر چلنا دور گناہوں سے رہنا، مومن کی پہچان ہے یہ روح رمضان ہے ۔

When our bodies fast, it’s also important for our souls to do something similar. Just like keeping our bodies clean, we should keep our hearts and minds clean too. Doing things the way the Prophet Muhammad did and avoiding bad actions show that we are true believers. This is what makes Ramadan special. It’s not just about not eating; it’s about being good in every way. So, when we talk about the spirit of Ramadan, we mean following the teachings of the Prophet, staying away from wrong things, and making our whole selves better during this special month.

Islamic Quotes

Make your life like Ramadan, and your death will be like Eid.

زندگی کو رمضان جیسا بنا لو، موت عید جیسی ہو گی۔

Live your life in a way that’s as good as Ramadan, and when it’s time to leave this world, it will be as happy as celebrating Eid. This means being kind, doing good things, and following the values of Ramadan every day. If you make your life full of goodness, it’s like the special month of Ramadan. And when it’s time to leave this world, it will be a joyful occasion, just like how we celebrate Eid with happiness. So, the idea is to live a good life, like the spirit of Ramadan, so that when it’s time to say goodbye, it feels like a happy celebration.

Ramadan Quotes

In return for prayer, Paradise. In return for Hajj, Paradise. In return for remembrance, Paradise. In return for Tahajjud, Paradise. In return for charity, Paradise. And in return for fasting, you will find Allah.

نماز کے بدلے جنت، حج کے بدلے جنت، زکر کے بدلے جنت، تہجد کے بدلے جنت، خیرات کے بدلے  جنت، اور روزہ کے بدلے تمھیں اللہ ملے گا۔

If you pray, you get Paradise. If you go for Hajj, you get Paradise. Remembering Allah? That’s Paradise too. Praying at night? Yep, Paradise. Giving to charity? Paradise again. And when you fast, you’re getting closer to Allah. So, each good thing you do is like earning a ticket to Paradise. It’s a way of saying, if you do these acts of worship and goodness, you’re not only getting blessings now but also a promise of something wonderful in the afterlife – like finding Allah and being in Paradise. It’s like a reward for doing good things in your life.

fasting quotes

Ramadan is for everyone, but fasting is not for everyone.

رمضان سب کو نصیب ہوتا ہے، لیکن روزہ ہر ایک کو نصیب نہیں ہوتا۔

Ramadan is a special time that everyone can be a part of, but not everyone has to fast. While Ramadan is a month for everyone to come together, fasting—refraining from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset—is a choice and may not be suitable for everyone. Some people, like the elderly, young children, or those with health conditions, might not fast. Still, they can participate in other meaningful activities during Ramadan, such as prayers, acts of kindness, and reflection. So, while everyone can join in the spirit of Ramadan, the act of fasting is a personal decision based on individual circumstances.

Ramadan islamic quotes

“For  fast, one does not need strength in the body, but rather love for Allah in the heart.”

روزہ رکھنے کے لیے جسم میں طاقت نہیں

بلکہ دل میں اللہ کی محبت ہونی چاہیے۔

To fast, you don’t have to be physically strong; what matters most is the love you have for Allah in your heart. It’s not about being super strong or having a lot of energy in your body. Instead, it’s about having a strong connection with Allah and showing your love for Him by choosing not to eat or drink for a certain time. So, even if you’re not the strongest person, if you have a lot of love and respect for Allah in your heart, you can still observe fasting during special times like Ramadan.


Fast, Forgiveness, and Repentance:

Fasting is one of the pillars of Ramadan, and it holds great spiritual significance. It is a time of discipline and self-control, where Muslims abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset. Fasting not only purifies the body but also allows for spiritual growth and self-reflection. It is a time to seek forgiveness and repent for past mistakes.

Dua quotes


“It is very possible that this Ramadan, whatever you ask from Allah, He will give it to you.”

اور عین ممکن ہے اس رمضان جو تم اللہ سے مانگو تمہیں وہ دے دیا جاۓ۔

During this Ramadan, whatever you ask from Allah might very well be granted. It’s a special time when prayers and wishes hold significant meaning. If you seek goodness, blessings, or anything else with sincerity, there’s a strong possibility that Allah will answer your prayers. This month is like a unique opportunity, and the connection between you and Allah becomes stronger. So, take advantage of this blessed time, pour your heart out in prayer, and have faith that your requests may be granted. Ramadan is a time of hope, and your heartfelt wishes may find fulfillment in the divine mercy of Allah.

Ramadan Deep Quotes

Ya Allah make this Ramadan a turning point in our lives where we turns towards you for this month and forever.

 یا اللہ، اس رمضان کو ہماری زندگیوں میں ایک ایسا موڑ بنا دیں جہاں ہم اس مہینے اور ہمیشہ کے لیے آپ کی طرف رخ کریں۔

Dear Allah, let this Ramadan be a turning point in our lives, where we turn towards You not just for this month but forever. May this special time inspire a lasting connection between us and You. In these days of fasting, prayer, and reflection, guide us to a path of goodness and closeness to Your mercy. Let the positive changes we make during Ramadan extend beyond, shaping our lives for the better. Grant us strength to continue seeking Your guidance and blessings. This month, we aspire for a transformation that endures, fostering a lifelong bond with You, dear Allah.


Ramadan Islamic quotes

Ramadan is the best chance to ask Allah for forgiveness, Thank him for his blessings and for keeping you Alive till this movement.

رمضان اللہ سے معافی مانگنےکا بہترین موقع ہے،اس کی نعمتوں کا شکر ادا کریں کہ اس موقع تک آپ کو زندہ رکھا ۔

Ramadan is the perfect time to ask Allah for forgiveness, thank Him for the blessings, and express gratitude for being alive up to this moment. It’s a special opportunity to seek pardon for any mistakes, reflect on the countless blessings we have, and appreciate the gift of life. In these days of fasting and prayer, we can turn to Allah with sincerity, seeking His mercy and guidance. It’s not just about abstaining from food; it’s a chance to nourish our souls, cultivate gratitude, and strengthen our connection with the Almighty. Ramadan is a precious moment for reflection, gratitude, and seeking forgiveness.

Ask forgiveness from Allah quotes

“Beg for forgiveness from Allah again and again, it is still easy to obtain. They say that Allah’s mercy showers down in Ramadan.”

مانگ لو گر گر کر خدا سے ابھی مغفرت سستی ہے

کہتے ہیں کی رمضان میں رب کی رحمت برستی ہے۔

Ask Allah for forgiveness over and over; it’s still easy to get. People believe that during Ramadan, Allah’s mercy pours down abundantly. It’s like a special time when seeking forgiveness is even more powerful. So, if you’ve made mistakes, don’t worry; just keep asking Allah to forgive you. In Ramadan, His mercy is like a gentle rain, ready to wash away our wrongs. This month is a chance to cleanse our hearts, seek forgiveness sincerely, and feel the shower of Allah’s mercy. It reminds us that no matter how many times we ask, Allah’s forgiveness is readily available, especially during Ramadan.

ramadan Dua quotes

“Ramadan shows us the door to repentance, Ramadan teaches us patience, It is true that Ramadan makes a Muslim a believer.”

“رمضان توبہ کا دروازہ کھولتا ہے، رمضان صبر کی تلقین سکھاتا ہے، یہ سچ ہے کہ رمضان مسلمان کو مومن بناتا ہے۔”

Ramadan opens the door to repentance, teaching us patience and transforming a Muslim into a true believer. It’s a special time when we reflect on our actions, seek forgiveness, and strive to become better individuals. Through fasting and prayer, we learn to be patient and grateful for our blessings. Ramadan becomes a guide, shaping our character and strengthening our faith. It’s not just about abstaining from food; it’s a journey of self-discovery, emphasizing repentance, patience, and deepening our connection with Allah. Indeed, Ramadan has the power to instill these values, making each Muslim feel a stronger sense of faith and devotion.

Fasting quotes

Fasting encompasses more than just abstatining fromm food and drink; it is primarily about deepening your connection with Allah, with only 1% being attributed to the physical act of not eating and drinking.

روزہ صرف کھانے پینے سے پرہیز کرنے سے زیادہ پر محیط ہے۔ یہ بنیادی طور پر اللہ کے ساتھ آپ کے تعلق کو گہرا کرنے کے بارے میں ہے، صرف 1٪ کھانے پینے کے جسمانی عمل سے منسوب ہے۔

Fasting goes beyond just avoiding food and drink; its essence lies in strengthening your connection with Allah. The physical aspect of not eating and drinking accounts for only 1%, while the main focus is on deepening your spiritual bond. During fasting, it’s not merely a pause from meals; it’s a deliberate choice to be closer to Allah, engaging in self-reflection, increased prayer, and acts of kindness. The fasting experience is a holistic approach, emphasizing the importance of nourishing the soul and fostering a mindful awareness of our relationship with the Divine. It’s a profound journey of spiritual growth and self-discipline.


As we immerse ourselves in the spirit of Ramadan, let us embrace the wisdom found in these inspirational quotes. May they serve as a source of motivation and reflection throughout this blessed month. Ramadan is a time of mercy, gratitude, and forgiveness. Let us strive to embody these qualities and make the most of this spiritually fulfilling journey. May Allah bless us all with a blessed and transformative Ramadan.


Q: How can I use Ramadan quotes for social media?

A: Share inspiring quotes on your social platforms, accompanied by personal reflections or wishes for the community.

Q: Are there any famous historical Ramadan quotes?

A: Yes, many historical figures and scholars have left behind impactful quotes related to Ramadan; explore their wisdom for deeper insights.

Q: Can I create my own Ramadan quotes?

A: Absolutely! Crafting personalized quotes adds a unique touch to your Ramadan greetings and allows you to express your sentiments authentically.

Q: How do Ramadan quotes strengthen family bonds?

A: Sharing quotes with family fosters a sense of unity and creates moments for reflection and discussion, strengthening familial ties.

Q: Where can I find more Ramadan quotes in Urdu and English?

A: Explore online platforms, literature, and Islamic publications for a rich collection of Ramadan quotes to inspire and share.

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